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Why Esports?
Gaming and Esports, as of today, is more than just people playing games with friends and family. It is a billion-dollar business where opportunities are still up for grabs! Esports, the competitive edge of gaming, is way more clearly and all the more present.
Therefore, it is long overdue that an academic network was set up. Hereby, knowledge, know-how can be provided, and firsthand professional insight can get shared by those who are passionate about Esports.
Esports, Gaming & VR: Initiatives in Diversity and Inclusion
Thursday 20/02/2025 • 13.00 till 16.30
Dive deeper into how Esports, Gaming, and Virtual Reality can foster diversity and inclusion. This seminar will reveal how these dynamic domains are driving accessibility, equal opportunities, and innovation. We would very much appreciate your presence on Thursday February 20, at the University Foundation for the 7th Brussels Esports Seminar on "Esports, Gaming & VR: Initiatives in Diversity and Inclusion”.
Players and Game Plan:
- 13:00: Doors open
- 13:30: Jos Verschueren - Introduction
- 13:35: Federica Nocerino – Women in Games
- 14:05: Justin Aclan – Le Jeu Pour Tous
- 14:35: Kevin Descheemaeker – Accessible Gaming
- 15:05: Paul van der Made – HiPerks
- 15:35: Youssef Kaddar – Papy Booom
- 16:05: High Tea Afternoon and Networking
Location: University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11, Brussels.
Parking: Nearest parking: Les Deux Portes
Metro: Nearest metro Trône
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Previous seminars
Artificial Intelligence in Esports, Gaming & VR
FRIDAY 7/06/2024
- 10.00 : Doors open
- 10:30 : Welcome to the future of AI in Esports, Gaming & VR - Jos Verschueren & Hans De Canck (VUB)
- 10.45 : AI in Esports‘ Performance & Coaching - Matthew Watson (IFoEC) & Jack Williams (Itero.gg)
- 11:25 : AI in Virtual Reality - Marc Sarens (VUB)
- 12.05 : Human Interface Technology: the perfect storm of AI, XR and human data.- Jelle Demanet (HOWEST)
- 12.45 : S-AI-ndwich Lunch & Networking
Esports, Gaming & VR in Gezondheid
THURSDAY 4/01/2024
- 13.00 u: Deuren open en eerste netwerkmoment
- 13.45 u: Welkom door VUB en BESF – Jos Verschueren
- 13.55 u: Keynote Esports - Kom Op Tegen Kanker - RIP Roken – Anke Berckmans
- 14.35 u: Keynote Gaming - GSPORT - League of Universities - Hana Šindlerová
- 15.15 u: Keynote Virtual Reality - 360° VR Stottertherapie – Gert Reunens & Caroline Moerenhout
- 15.55 u: Terugblik op de keynotes door Kom Op Tegen Kanker
- 16.05 u: “Cake-ring” en tweede netwerkmoment
- 16.45 u: Einde van het seminarie
Esports & Gaming in HR and Employer branding
Thursday 8/06/2023
- 13.30: Welkom op de werkvloer – Jos Verschueren
- 13.35: Esports in HR (Esports Research Network/University Siegen) – Tobias Scholz (ENG)
- 14.05: Beste games om professionele vaardigheden te ontwikkelen(Randstad) – Wim van der Linden (NL)
- 14.35: Ontsnap aan het algemene sollicitatiegesprek (G4S) – Barbara Werniers (NL)
- 15.05: DEME uses VR for real (DEME Group) – Dieter Rabaut (ENG)
- 15.35: Esports and VR @ the Dutch Navy – Wiren Vroon & Bas Hookstra (NL)
- 16.05: More than just games (National Lottery) – Frank Demeyere (NL)
- 16.15: High Tea Afternoon en networking
Esports Performance & Coaching – The Ins and Outs
Thursday 5/01/2023
Esports today is the main entertainment industry. It represents a market that surpasses the music and movie branch combined. Universities worldwide have understood the importance of Esports as a source of inspiration within their educational development. For VUB & ULB, this seminar allows both universities to strengthen their link with all stakeholders regarding educational challenges in 2023. We are looking forward to welcoming you on Thursday, January 5 at the University Foundation for the 3rd Brussels Esports Seminar on "Esports Performance & Coaching".
The Impact of Esports and VR in Education
Thursday 9/06/2022
Het Esports Seminar « The Impact of Esports and VR in Education », een co-organisatie van VUB, ULB en EGO, en met de zeer gewaardeerde steun van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest en Stad Brussel vond plaats op donderdag 9 juni 2022.
Esports and City Marketing
Thursday 14/10/2021
Het Esports Seminar « Esports & City Marketing », een co-organisatie van VUB, ULB en EGO, en met de zeer gewaardeerde steun van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest en Stad Brussel vond plaats op donderdag 14 oktober 2021.
Practitioners and guest speakers
To become or remain an expert in your profession, you obviously need to learn from and share experience with experts. The programme invites national and international guest speakers who are involved in Esports on a daily basis and/or who have developed and are still expanding their professional career in this sector. In short, they eat, drink and breath Esports and they teach the participants through examples and cases what the world of Esports is all about today and in the future.